2023 Fan Favorites
Are you prepared to cast your vote for the most groundbreaking initiatives of the year? Here's a glimpse of those entries that don't quite fit into the other categories, and are defying norms and introducing new ideas, to aid you in your decision-making!
Here's what to consider:
- What distinguishes these initiatives as a standout success?
- How do they challenge traditional norms with its innovative approach?
- What fresh ideas did they pioneer and put into practice?
During the NEFFIE Awards Show, we will showcase visuals of the entries to help you cast your vote. Make sure to tune in and cast your live vote on
Thursday, May 9th! Have your phone ready and be sure to review the entries before you arrive!
Describe your creative campaign objective:
The objective of this creative campaign was to promote Newtown Savings Bank's small businesscustomers and simultaneously encourage community members to shop local during the holidayseason.
Describe the strategies and tactics used to complete this goal:
The strategy for this campaign was to increase awareness of Newtown Savings Bank and the“Power of Local” branding by emphasizing the importance of supporting area businesses and, inturn, the local economy. The campaign focused on both in-person and social media engagement toreach a wider audience. In-person engagement included visits to 20+ small business to show ourappreciation to customers for shopping local and surprise them with vouchers to be used towardstheir purchase. Additionally, customers were encouraged to share the experience on social media todraw attention to the business and extend the reach of the “Power of Local” messaging. The socialmedia portion of the campaign was entirely organic, and reach was extended using tags andhashtags. The focus of each post remained on the small business partners and the importance ofshopping local to bolster the economy.
Describe Audience:
The campaign was aimed at patrons of local businesses, social media followers of NewtownSavings Bank and participating businesses, social media users with the towns visited.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these assets:
The Falalala Local campaign utilized a variety of creative assets—both digital and print—to effectively reach the target audience. We invested in this campaign by purchasing vouchers to gift to patrons; the promotional costs were minimal. The campaign was announced via social media following Thanksgiving with our cover image switching to the campaign creative. The initial post highlighted the importance of shopping local and the impact it has on the economy. The posts, reels and stories were an important piece of the campaign, as they allowed for compelling storytelling, expanded reach a wider audience, and engaged the audience on a more personal level. In collaborating with local businesses, the messaging was further amplified through social media engagement and shares. The hero ad and website banner were also updated and designed to catch the attention of visitors to the Newtown Savings Bank website. In-branch videos were also added throughout the campaign to build additional awareness. The creative aligned across all the Bank’s digital platforms, creating a cohesive look. The final piece was the print vouchers that were distributed to customers of the partnering businesses. Again, we used similar artwork and messaging to ensure consistency. The focus was on organic engagement and word-of-mouth marketing to keep costs down while generating excitement around the “Power of Local” concept. The selected combination of assets allowed us to build awareness and community engagement while remaining within budget.
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
Our campaign was inspired by our tagline the Power of Local and focused on communityengagement and economic development. These efforts were driven by our brand's core values andthe belief that we aren’t just in the community, but truly a part of it.
Describe your campaign s impact identifying how you measured this campaign's success:
The impact of Falalala Local was primarily measured through the positive feedback received fromthe community, including participating business owners and customers. The campaign aimed to
Include metrics that support your statement:
Promote the “Power of Local” and encouraged the shop local mentality. While we did have multipleindividuals ask about products and services, we didn’t track the conversions resulting from thecampaign as we viewed it as a public relations initiative. However, there were noticeable increaseson the Bank's social media channels compared to the same month of the previous year. Overall, oursocial content for this campaign had over 7,000 impressions, more than 2,300 video views, and anengagement rate of 9% across Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. In comparison to 2022, we sawan increase in our engagement rate by 26% on Facebook, 180% on LinkedIn and 139% onInstagram during the time period that our Falalala Local campaign was running. These numbersshow that the campaign was successful in engaging the audiences via social media.
Describe your creative campaign objective:
We moved from .com to .bank earlier this year, and we used an educational campaign to inform our customers and others about why we had made that decision.
Describe the strategies and tactics used to complete this goal:
The ultimate strategy was to get the message out to our customers before the change happened.We didn't want people to be unaware and confused about the change. We also used this campaign as a chance to inform our customers about how this change would increase our online security and help us educate our customer base about cybersecurity and how to keep their accounts safe.
Describe Audience:
Our audience was mostly our current customer base but also anyone who may use our website.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these these assets:
The creative assets that we used included social media marketing, email marketing, and in-branchmarketing. We used these three assets because it was the most effective way that we could targetour current customer base and make them aware of the changes before they happened. It alsoallowed us to explain why the change was being made.
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
This campaign showcased how The Savings Bank believes in educating their customers, not just promoting the products we offer.
Describe your campaign's impact, identifying how you measured this campaign's success include metrics that support your statement:
Our impact from the campaign was positive based on customer feedback. We were able to answer many questions and concerns before they came up. Customers appreciated our educationalapproach to show them that we were making the change to make our website safer.
Describe your creative campaign objective:
We introduced Greenlight Debit Card as part of our Money School Program. This card providesparents the ability to fund their child's very own debit card and set limits for spending, sharing andsavings. Essentially, this card replaces cash because what parent carries cash anymore? Kids canhave their photo on their card too which also serves as an ID Badge if/when needed.
Describe the strategies and tactics used to complete this goal:
In looking for a way to help parents teach children about money, we searched for a partner thatwould allow us to serve all of our customers. We are the first in Massachusetts to partner withGreenlight to offer this as a free program for our customers through their Country Bank CheckingAccount. Parents can have up to 5 debit cards for their children per checking account. This tactichas driven in new DDA accounts to the bank as well.
Describe Audience:
Parents/Guardians of children, children and grandparents.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these assets:
Social Media 20,000 flyers sent to local partner schools to send home with students Open Housesat partner schools Holiday Social Campaign with $25 Offer eMail Marketing Brochure Digital TVSTeam Members Digital Display Ads
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
Financial Literacy is an important component of our brand, Made to Make a Difference and this isjust another way that we make a difference for parents to help teach their children how to makesmart decisions. We offer a comprehensive Money School Program to Make a Difference forFinancial Literacy, this is one component of the program.
Describe your campaign's impact identifying. how you measured this campaign s success Include metrics that support your statement:
Country Bank has had the most successful launch of Greenlight by adoption- as reported byGreenlight. The campaign launched in September and we had 200 cards in hand by December 31."Country Bank has the best adoption rate of any of our bank partners. You do not have the mostissued cards, but you do have ~5x the number of issued cards as a partner of comparable size wholaunched around the same time."
Describe your creative campaign objective:
Athol Savings Bank came to Pannos Marketing with their newest technological development fortheir branches: An ATM that acts as a virtual assistant to guide customers through each transaction.The machine allows customers with a “solutions specialist”: live teller in the bank to answer anyquestions via state-of-the-art video technology. Users can pay loans, ask questions, and have fundsdispensed in any denomination including change. The best part? Customers never have to leavetheir car! Implementing the interactive teller machine would help regulate traffic in the branch andallow Athol Savings Bank, who also creatively uses their acronym to represent “a solutions bank”also wanted to [position the machine as a solution to the everyday customers problems: ATM givingyou trouble? Our new virtual assistant will help you! No time to change out of your Pajamas beforestopping by the bank? You can do all your transactions with the new interactive teller machine! Thebank also has plans to continue expanding their networks of ITM’s across their business area. Thiswill create a more convenient place to bank for customers who don’t live close to a branch withouthaving to build an entirely new one. In general, people tend to be wary of changes to their normalroutine. So, the challenge the bank faced was creating excitement around the machine, effectivelyrelaying information on how the machine would work, and easing any stressed customers about theupcoming change.
Describe the strategies and tactics used to complete this goal:
The bank and the creative team at Pannos decided something needed to be done to make theannouncement feel more exciting, personal, and fun. Thus, AVA was born! Her name, anotheracronym that stands for “ASB’s virtual assistant”. Now that the technology has a name to personifythe experience, there was an avenue to create enticing content. After many in-depth discussionswith the bank, the team decided there would need to be a mix of print and digital assets. A landingpage would be created and updated periodically with important dates and notices about AVAimplementation. It would be the “all things AVA hub.” Perfecting a tone and messaging for AVA’sdebut took some time. By listening to the client, as well as predicting concerns and questions from awell-studied target audience, the team was able to home in on the correct tone and visuals. To easeusability concerns, designers created a mock AVA interface to help prepared customers for whatAVA will look like when they drive up and included it in eblasts, and the AVA landing page.Coupled with bright bank colors and bold text, the design confirmed AVA to be the next big thing.The content team used information gathered from extensive creative sessions to come up withengaging headlines such as: “Have you met AVA?” and “When is an ATM more than an ATM?”.Phrasing headlines as riddles helped to keep bank customers engaged and read the content thatfollowed to get acquainted with the machine.
Describe Audience:
The target audience for this campaign was the current customers of Athol Savings Bank.Specifically, ASB wanted to target the people who prefer to not go inside a branch for theirbanking, even if they might need to. As “A Solutions Bank”, Athol takes delighting its currentcustomers to a whole new level. The installation of the ITM and the AVA campaign were nevermeant to draw mass attention but rather provide a wider range of solutions and services for thebank’s current customers. Athol Savings Bank believes that by delighting the audience they alreadyhave, positive sentiment will spread naturally, and the bank will grow its customers and deposits as their reputation continues to grow and improve. AVA has experienced a significant growth inactivity since its launch.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these assets:
Getting the message out about AVA, the use of the machine, and how to navigate the branchparking lot with additional machines got out in a timely manner was pivotal to the machine'ssuccess. The Pannos web and creative team were able to come together to first create a landing pagewhere all updates on AVA could be found. After the landing page was live, materials such as a serieof eblasts, in branch signs, mailers, and social media posts were created to continue the message. Aoften as possible these pieces included a mock of AVA’s interface or a picture of the installedmachine on ASB property so customers could start feeling familiar right away. Each element of thiscampaign drove traffic to the previously created landing page, so customers were always informedof AVA’s installation.
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
Being branded as “A Solutions Bank, it was only fitting that ASB focused on providing its currentcustomers with better, more innovative solutions. Many financial institutions will ignore customerretention and focus only on acquisition. ASB recognizes the need to nurture and establish value intheir already established relationships, while creating a “buzz” from non-customers, as well.Additionally, since the banks acronym has a double meaning, having AVA double as a humanisticname and an acronym for the machines capabilities was extremely fitting. The play on words isfitting for the banks neighborly, friendly, and playful persona.
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Describe your creative campaign objective:
First National Bank and Trust, serving southern Wisconsin and Illinois, came to Pannos with aunique opportunity. With a competitor local bank being acquired by a large bank, FNBT saw theopportunity to provide customers with the local service that they would otherwise be missing outon. Pannos knew that to make this work, we’d have to take the high road. No call outs, nononsense, just offering true local value that customers can’t find anywhere else. This was anopportunity to position FNBT as a fresh alternative for customers who may be uneasy about thechanges coming their way. With the bank being acquired, being a competitor for FNBT in 13different markets, this was no small opportunity either. FNBT’s goal for this project was to createawareness of their service and product offerings. Gaining the trust of the individuals who may feelleft high and dry by their bank was extremely important. The bank also wanted to acquire newcustomers and delight them with what it means to be a truly local bank. The team at FNBT andPannos would work together to create a “Truly local” campaign.
Describe the strategies and tactics used tocomplete this goal:
The team at Pannos would have to immerse themselves in the First National Bank and Trust brandand find out exactly what strengths to capitalize on during this campaign. Pannos discovered thatthe power of being truly local would be the center of this project. The Pannos creative team wouldcapitalize on FNBT’s family-owned identity and their passion for being a pillar of the community.FNBT is stable but not a big bank, local but resourceful, and provides concierge level service,because their size and values allow it. With 140 years under their belt, this campaign and the legacythe bank has built as a reliable local option. This part of the bank’s identity really was the backboneof this campaign. This campaign would have a combination of print and digital elements includingads and a landing page and would be built around the line “keep it local”. Ads would drive to alanding page where potential customers could find a branch or contact a banking effort via CTAbuttons. Both print and digital elements would be closely monitored and updated based on theprogress of the acquisition.
Describe Audience:
The target audience for this project were customers of the local bank that was being acquired by alarger bank. First National Bank and Trust saw this as an opportunity to offer the true local serviceand boutique attention that a large bank never could. These customers would be primarily located in Wisconsin. By gaining the trust of these people, showing off the bank’s trustworthy brandpersonality and letting customers know there is still a stable local option, FNBT hoped to capture new business.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these assets:
This campaign had a wide variety of elements to reach all bank customers affected by theacquisition. Using the current brand colors and style, The Pannos creative team produced eyecatching and engaging digital ads, billboards, print ads, flyers, and landing pages. Due to the largetarget audience of various demographics (age, goals, financial situations, financial maturity,technological literacy) FNBT and Pannos agreed that the best way to garner as much new businessas possible would be to cast a wide net. Digital ads and the landing page would likely speak to ayounger audience while the print assets would speak to an older audience.
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
First National Bank and Trust has always prided themselves on being a family-run local businessand through this campaign, they are able to capitalize on this defining factor of their brand. Thebank was also able to lean on the fact that their status as family owned has not changed for 140years. Since many of these potential customers had just experienced a lack of stability at their oldbank, hearing about FNBTs stable past reassures them that they will also have a stable future.Working this part of the bank’s identity into the messagings.
Describe your campaign s impact identifyinghow you measured this campaign s successInclude metrics that support your statement:
The Keep it local campaign was a huge success, but we’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.From July to October, the campaign received 1,801,017 digital impressions with 6,817 clicks on thedigital ads. First National Bank and Trust also saw 9,100 website visits in just three months while156 total events occurred on the landing page. Additionally, FNBT reported that 1,421 total in-branch visitors saw the digital ad. And this also happened quickly! It took these potential customersless than a month to realize that FNBT might truly be onto something. The average time from firstseeing the ad to walking into a branch was just 25 days and the average time from last time seeingthe ad to walking into a branch was just 16 days! It is safe to say that this campaign truly drovepeople to understand “the power of local” and sent them right to their new home at First National Bank and Trust.
Describe your creative campaign objective:
Peoples Bank, headquartered in Munster, Indiana, serves customers and communities acrossNorthwest Indiana and Chicagoland. Peoples Bank came to Pannos Marketing with a desire tobetter understand their customers and their customers’ process to convert. Peoples Bank was unsurewhich demographic to target, and with a volatile home buying and spending market, it was evenharder to understand and decide what products should be offered and where marketing dollarsshould be allocated to. The bank was especially focused on best serving potential checking andmortgage customers. Pannos Marketing was prepared to tackle this by analyzing customer journeysand creating customer personas. The bank’s goal was to pin down which generations should bemarketed which product, and what opportunities the bank could capitalize on to better serve theircustomers. Peoples Bank was willing to make any changes necessary to see more conversions onmortgage applications and checking account opening.
Describe the strategies and tactics used to complete this goal:
To remedy Peoples Bank’s current struggles, the digital media team at Pannos dove intoresearching generational trends as well as customer sentiment toward current products andprocesses at the bank. The team started by analyzing customers’ relationships with checkingproducts and then with mortgage loan offerings. Understanding Peoples Bank’s unique position inthe market was the first step in this process. Located in the suburban Midwest, it was important toget a deep understanding of these customers’ preferences, expectations, needs, and financialsituations. The Pannos digital experts focused on the three youngest generations (Gen Y/Millennialsand Gen X) to understand their experience with the technologies and processes at Peoples Bank inplace as of July 2023. The purpose of creating a customer journey map is to more deeplyunderstand the processes, emotions and pain points that each generation goes through in theirchecking account and mortgage loan relationship with Peoples Bank, and to identify opportunitiesto smooth out and improve the process. The same process was followed for the bank’s currentmortgage practices. These discoveries would be presented to the bank with recommendations onhow to proceed (what products should remain, how processes should be updated etc.) and where thebank should be allocating their efforts in the next year of business.
Describe Audience:
The audiences studied during this project were the three youngest generations that banks canserve: Gen Z, Gen X and Millennials. This is because these are the generations that will be formingbanking relationships and utilizing banks for the next 50 -75 years. For banks to survive, grow, andthrive, they cannot ignore upcoming generations. While marketing to boomers who are more likelyto already have large sums of money to deposit and spend is tempting, it is important that banksremain forward thinking. Peoples Bank, along with all other financial institutions, need to have amindset that promotes longevity. The map and personas developed during this project would needto be relatable and understandable for the marketing team and leaders at Peoples Bank. This wascrucial because this map and these personas would guide the banks’ future business decisions. Eachpersona and recommendation made during this process.
Describe the creative assets behind yourcampaign deliverables and why you chose these:
Pannos presented Peoples Bank with 3 personas, one for each target generation; customer journeymaps detailing how customers currently make their way to a conversion, and concrete assets recommendations on how to better please customers. Pannos created 6 unique customer journeymaps, one for each generation that analyzed customer journeys (1) through opening checkingaccounts and (2) applying for mortgages. Each map utilized 4 steps in the journey as well asdetailed sub-steps. The map also detailed customer interactions, touchpoints, emotional insights,content types, and content opportunities. This gave People’s Bank a holistic view of how eachgenerational persona navigates and feels about Peoples’s product offerings.
Describe any specific ways that your campaignconnected to your overall brand:
Pannos’ recommendations all reflected Peoples Bank’s brand identity as a “Finward Company”.The bank commonly uses the phrase “moving forward” as a mantra to remind customers of theteam’s goal to always move customers toward their goals. Recommendations to implement onlineaccount opening and better tailor content to younger homebuyers are all recommendations that areconsistent with the bank’s goals to move their customers forward. These recommendations reflectprogress for the bank, which sets customer progress into motion. As a truly customer centric bank,recommendations needed to be phrased as ways to help the customer rather than the institution.
Describe your campaign's impact identifying how you measured this campaign's successInclude metrics that support your statement:
Peoples Bank received these recommendations well and jumped into implementing them for bothmortgage application process as well as checking account opening processes. Since theimplementation, Peoples Bank has seen greatly improving stats, sentiment, and overall success atconverting potential customers. For example, since utilizing the customer personas and customerjourney maps produced by Pannos, Peoples has seen a substantial increase in the number ofaccounts owned by target generations. From 2021 to 2023, the bank saw 6,182 more Gen Zaccounts, 1,907 more Generation Y accounts, and 4,990 more Gen X accounts. Pannos Marketingand the team at Peoples Bank, through creativity, industry expertise, and consistent communicationwere able to successfully formulate and implement a plan to better appeal to each generation ofbanking customers
Describe your creative campaign objective:
“Who doesn’t love a good birthday party?” That’s what the Centreville Bank marketing teamthought when a brainstorming session was held to come up with tangible ways that the Bank couldcelebrate its 195th anniversary with customers and employees alike. On Friday, June 9, 2023, on the195th anniversary of our signed charter to open as the “Bank of Centreville,” 18 simultaneousbirthday parties were held at all retail branch locations across Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut.
Describe the strategies and tactics used tocomplete this goal:
Planning for the Bank’s 195th anniversary celebration began in September 2022 with the officialkick-off to take place in January 2023. The strategy was to leverage social media to amplify asmuch of our activity as possible. In addition to creating original content for social media related to the 195th anniversary, we would also share off-line tactics as well – such as our commemorativelogo, fun outdoor billboard, our internal celebration, and citation recognitions received from stateand town officials. All of these tactics would culminate in the simultaneous hosting of a “birthdayparty” in all 18 of the Bank’s locations on June 9th.
Describe Audience:
The audience was a combined mix of internal (employees) and external (customers/community).Even though the main event of the birthday party was held internally, through social media andother external marketing tactics described below, we shared the party and other commemorativeactivities with our social media followers.
Describe the creative assets behind your campaign deliverables and why you chose these assets:
195 Logo – to commemorate this milestone, a special version of the Centreville Bank logo wascreated by the marketing team for use on the website, social media, promotional items, and eventsignage. Please see the attached file, “Supporting Documents for Centreville Bank Fan FavoriteAward.” Happy 195 team photo – In preparation for the bank-wide birthday party, we could havecreated a basic graphic that said “Happy 195th Birthday Centreville Bank,” but where is the fun inthat? Instead, we recruited 34 of our colleagues and designed everyone a T-shirt with a single letteror number on it and arranged ourselves on the front steps of our West Warwick branch to spell outHappy-195th-Birthday-Centreville-Bank-! o Please see the attached file, “Supporting Documentsfor Centreville Bank Fan Favorite Award.” o Participants were selected to have every retail branchrepresented as well as a few of our longest tenured employees – many with over 35 years of serviceThere was an immense amount of excitement and pride felt by all those involved. As a thank you,each employee involved in the photo received a framed copy to display at their desks and eachbranch received a copy to display in their lobbies for customers. Team singing happy birthday post:Our social media team travelled to various branches collecting video of employees singing “HappyBirthday” to Centreville Bank to create a montage that we posted on the big day to Instagram ReelsFacebook, LinkedIn, and our intranet.
To view the video, visit: https://youtu.be/cC_HRGV02JQ
A copy of the article posted on our intranet is attached in the file, “Centreville Bank 195th BirthdayMain Street Article and Comments.” Branch location celebration: We wanted to ensure that all ofthe bank’s employees had the opportunity to celebrate our 195 years together. The only way we. could do this was to bring the party to each of the 18 locations across Rhode Island and easternConnecticut. However, in order to throw 18 birthday parties at the same time, you need a lot of supplies – and preplanning. o Bags were packed for each branch that included a custom “HappyBirthday Centreville Bank” banner, tablecloth, napkins, party hats, photo props, noise makers andindividually wrapped candy “goodie” bags for all employees. The concept for this was to mimic a. traditional children’s birthday party. Over 200 gluten free cupcakes and 50 balloons weredistributed by Centreville Bank leadership on the morning of June 9th to the branches. o At ourlargest branch and corporate headquarters in West Warwick, RI we invited members of our Board of Trustees to gather with all employees at 1 pm that day to sing “happy birthday” and blow outcandles on a custom 3-D sculpted cake in the shape of this 100-year-old branch building. For a full recap of photos for all the birthday parties, please see PDF file, “Centreville Bank 195th Birthday Party Photos.”
Describe any specific ways that your campaign connected to your overall brand:
Not many businesses make it to the 195-year mark, so the milestone was worthy of celebration.Using a commemorative logo, the team was able to connect the anniversary visually to the overallbrand of the Bank. This logo was used across the Bank’s social media platforms, on promotionalitems and in external print/media from January – September 2023, serving as a “new” logo withinthe brand guidelines until the Bank released its refreshed branding campaign on 9/11/24.
Describe your campaign's impact identifyinghow you measured this campaign's success. Include metrics that support your statement:
Special guest and citations: The West Warwick Town Manager attended the anniversarycelebration at our headquarters location and presented a citation from the West Warwick TownCouncil to commemorate the special day. We also received citations honoring the bank’s 195 yearsfrom the following government officials: RI Governor Daniel McKee, RI Senators Jack Reed andSheldon Whitehouse, and RI Congressman Seth Magaziner. o Please see the attached file,“Supporting Documents for Centreville Bank Fan Favorite Award” for photos of each of thecertificates received. We have those on display at our West Warwick branch. Although the June 9thevent was centered around an internal audience, we were able to utilize our social media channels(Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn) to engage with our customers and community partners. o Infact, every single social media post outperformed the industry average for engagement rate ofapproximately 0.7% - 2.7%. There were over 8,000 total impressions and 2,000 total engagementsfrom all of our feed posts related to our 195th anniversary from January 2023 through the end ofJune 2023. o We received comments such as “Happy Birthday Centreville!” “Congratulations,” and“…my bank always” from our Facebook fans. Customers that came into our branches loved thedécor and energy that the birthday parties brought to our locations. Some were even treated to extracupcakes and party hats! The feedback from our bankers was very positive and branches evenstayed decorated for days past the actual birthday party. o The Instagram story feature was utilizedduring the event on June 9th to capture video clips and photos from all our branch celebrations.Those posts also performed quite well: 12 stories posted, 285 impressions, and 32 engagements. Acomplete summary of our social media metrics and screenshots of all posts can be viewed in thefile, “Centreville Bank 195 Birthday Social Media Metrics.”