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NEFMA is proud to present the second Annual NEFFIES Award Show, recognizing the outstanding achievements and campaigns produced in financial marketing across New England.

Eligible entries for the 2024 competition must have been produced and/or completed in the calendar year 2024 (Jan 1 - Dec 31).
In need of further information or seeking clarification regarding the criteria for the prestigious NEFFIES award show before you decide to submit your entry? Explore each category description, empowering you to make informed decisions that align seamlessly with the unique attributes and accomplishments you wish to showcase in your entry. With our category descriptions, you can navigate the NEFFIES award show criteria with confidence, setting the stage for your potential success in this distinguished celebration of excellence.
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Submission Deadline Extended: March 7, 2025

Please note that when submitting your creative work, you are limited to choosing a single category; duplicate entries across multiple categories will not be accepted.

Submission fee: $150

Share your best Broadcast TV Marketing campaign and explain why it resonated with your audience. Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What audience was the video shared with (local, national, etc.)? 

  • What made the campaign a success?

*TV spots must be 90 seconds or less. Spots must be included in the supporting documents section as a video file or LIVE LINK to YouTube or your website. 

Share your best video (excluding TV ads) and explain why it resonated with your audience.   
Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • How was the video shared (internally, social media, etc.)? 
  • What made the video a success?

*Excludes TV ads. See: Broadcast TV Marketing category.

*Includes a single video no more than 2 minutes in length. 

*Videos must be included in the supporting documents section as a video file or LIVE LINK to YouTube or your website. 

Submit the campaign assets from your best overall campaign of the past year! Did you have an epic campaign that incorporated multiple (3+) marketing aspects that included digital, print, video, PR, etc.?  
Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What marketing aspects were used? 
  • How were the multiple aspects tied together to create cohesiveness?

*Any video components must be included in the supporting documents section as a video file or LIVE LINK to YouTube or your website. 

Did you run a successful radio ad? Tell us about us about it and why it resonated with people.  Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What channels did you share it on? 
  • What went into creating it?

*Spots may be 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds in length. Radio spots must be included in the supporting documents section as an audio file or LIVE LINK to YouTube or your website. 

Did you run a successful initiative that included billboards, transit ads, ads at events, mascots, etc.? Tell us about them here and why it resonated with people. Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What elements were used? 
  • How were the multiple aspects tied together to create cohesiveness?

Did you recently do an overhaul of your bank’s website or are you proud of new design elements integrated into your bank’s site? If so, the changes that were made to the design, functionality, and user experience of your site. (Providing Before and After photos is always welcome!) 

Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What design elements are you most proud of? 
  • What changes did you make to the website?

Did you recently rebrand your bank’s brand or a particular product from your bank’s brand? Share how your brand or product transformed and how the process evolved through surveying your customers, conducting an internal audit, launching, and communicating the new branding, etc. Include examples of the changes in logo, tagline, mission/vision statement, etc. Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • How did you choose the branding elements you used? 
  • What impact did the branding have on customers? 

Share the assets involved with your most impactful digital marketing of the year. Include stats such as: who was targeted, where the marketing ran and for how long, what results you received, and what the creative assets looked like such as the digital ads and social media ads.   
Answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What assets were used? 
  • How did the assets connect with the intended audience?

Show us your best print ads of the year! It can be a direct mail piece, an ad from a publication, a flyer, a product or service, etc. Tell us why this print ad resonated with your staff and customers. Consider answering the following in your write-up: 

  • What type of print ad was used? 
  • How did the ad resonate with the intended audience? 

Have you designed marketing materials to use internally or externally? What posters, POS signage, digital displays, handouts, and activations were created to support your branch?  

Consider answering the following in your write up:  

  • What was the intent behind the design? 
  • Why did you choose that material to connect with customers?

Have you recently renovated/redesigned or added one of your branch locations? Tell us how it went and what materials you used to support the design. Consider answering the following in your write up: 

  • What aspects of the branch did you alter or redesign? (Providing Before and After photos is always welcome!)  
  • In your opinion, what specific changes elevated your customers’ in-branch experience?

Share how your bank provided touchpoints to the community, engaged with the community through marketing, and the overall financial impact of your giving efforts for 2022. Consider answering the following in your write up: 

  • How has this campaign engaged with the community? 
  • What touchpoints to the community were used? 
  • What was the overall financial impact? 

Did you put together a successful initiative this year that doesn’t fit into one of these categories, or a piece or idea that was innovative, but never got produced? Share it with us here! We want to hear about your unique and unconventional campaigns that resonated with your customers and the community.  Consider answering the following in your write up: 

  • What made it a success? 
  • What about it is innovative? 
  • What new idea did they come up with and implement? 

* This category will be judged by a LIVE VOTE on Thursday, May 8th by NEFFIES attendees!

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